Tuesday, October 24, 2006

So here we go. It's time for Microsoft to force upon us another OS upgrade we don't really need. If you haven't heard about Vista you've probably been living in a cave and you got here by Feeling Lucky on Google in the first 5 seconds you've been on the internet.

Otherwise you've probably at least heard about Vista or read some reviews on it. Honestly I've read very few things about Vista because I don't really need to. All I need to know is this:

1. It will cost me $600 to upgrade my 3 computers to Vista
2. I don't have $600 to spend on OS upgrades

So I won't upgrade. It's as simple as that. I didn't upgrade to XP either for the same reason. I have XP at work. The first thing I did was turn off that eye candy XP interface and go back to the classic look. Then I switched from the Teletubbyland background to something cool.

(Side rant: If you're still using the Teletubbyland background please change it. Pretty please?)

Then I realized that it really doesn't do anything that Windows 2000 doesn't do. There's a few changes but on a daily basis I can't tell the difference between my Windows 2000 OS at home and my XP OS at work.

So why the hell do I need Vista?

I imagine at some point Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 2000 and force everyone to upgrade. That's the point where I look hard at the future of Windows and how much money the ongoing OS upgrades are going to cost me when my family has 3-4 computers. Unless Microsoft drastically changes their licensing and fee structures for their OS it's starting to look more and more like Mac OS is going to be a viable alternative.

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